Inbound Marketing Blog

How to setup your HubSpot Membership Site - Part 3

Written by Samantha Alford | 30-Oct-2016 06:45:49

In Part 1 of this How to setup your HubSpot Membership Site series we went step by step through the process of installing Inbound Member and connecting it to HubSpot. Then in Part 2 we created the special pages for your members to land on after login.  Then we set up non-member redirect pages for people who don't have access, as well as created your membership levels and granted member level access to member only pages.

Now in Part 3, we're going to setup your HubSpot workflows to automatically add contacts as new members when they are added to the membership list in HubSpot.  And we'll add your login page, change password page, and logout link.  Finally we'll add content that is specific to HubSpot list membership so you can differentiate what you display on your membership pages based on what lists your members are in.

So let's get to it!

Step 9 - Create HubSpot Membership Fulfilment Workflow.

This step is how you will automate the process of creating new members in HubSpot.  Head over to your HubSpot application and follow the steps below.  Please note: We are assuming you have worked with HubSpot workflows previously and have not included screenshots for this step.  If you need assistance with this setup, please don't hesitate to contact us at and we will provide you with further assistance.

  1. Select Marketing -> Contacts -> Workflows
  2. Click Create New Workflow
  3. Name your workflow (I usually name mine Membership Fulfilment)
  4. Ensure you have selected "Automatically"  enroll contacts when they meet these criteria:
  5. Select List membership -> Contact is a member of list -> [Your membership list name] & click Done and then Save
  6. Click Add Action -> Select an action -> Trigger a webhook
  7. Select Post and enter the following into the field:
  8. Add a 1 minute delay to allow time for the user to be created in Wordpress and the password to be sent through to HubSpot
  9. Leave "Use authentication" unchecked
  10. Click Save
  11. Add an action to send an email.  This is the email that will send the new member their login credentials.
  12. If you haven't already, create the email.
  13. Include the member's personalisation tokens eg. login name which is their email address, and password which is the IM Password custom property.
  14. Activate the workflow
  15. Click to Edit the second criteria "How many times can a contact be enrolled?"
  16. Check the box next to "Allow contacts who meet the starting conditions to reenroll when any one of the following occurs"
  17. Check the box "Contact is a member of [your list name]" and click Done
  18. Click again to activate the workflow and Click Activate the Workflow Now

If you have multiple membership levels and membership level lists, simply add the lists into the workflow enrolment criteria and ensure that you have all the lists checked at the workflow activation stage.

Step 10 - Create your member login page

  1. Create a new page in wordpress - you can name it whatever you like but I like to keep it simple and called it "Member Login" or just "Login"
  2. You can add any content you like to this page eg. welcome content, latest news etc.
  3. Wherever you would like the login form to appear on the page, add this shortcode "square bracket" im_login_form "square bracket" replacing the words "square bracket" with actual square brackets and no spaces between the brackets  and the underscores.
  4. This page needs to be visible to non logged in users, so don't put any Inbound Member Page Access restrictions on this page.
  5. Publish your page.
  6. Add your page to your Wordpress menu or put a link to it wherever else you'd like members to find the login page.

Step 11 - Add a Change Password page

  1. Create a new page in wordpress - you can name it whatever you like but I like to keep it simple and called it "Change Password".
  2. Wherever you would like the change password form to appear on the page, add this shortcode "square bracket" im_change_password "square bracket", replacing the words "square bracket" with actual square brackets and no spaces between the brackets and the shortcode.
  3. This page needs to be visible to all logged in users, make sure you check the box to restrict visitor access to the page and select Allow to all logged in users.
  4. Publish your page.
  5. Add a link to your Change Password page on your landing page that members will redirect to upon login (or anywhere else you choose to place it).

Step 12 - Add a logout link

  1. It's good security practice to add a logout link to your membership site.
  2. Some membership site owners add the logout link to each membership page on the site.
  3. Wherever you would like to add a logout link, simply add this shortcode: "square bracket" im_logout redirect="/your-login-page""square bracket".  Include the square brackets where those words appear.  Note that the "/your-login-page" is the name of the page you would like your members to be redirected to upon logout.  Include the quote marks and the slash, and use the page slug.
  4. Update your page.

Step 13 - Customise content based on membership lists

Now that you have all of the membership site logistics set up, you can start adding content pages.

Make sure that you complete the Inbound Member Page Access section on each page you create. This will allow you to restrict access to the content on the page to either a particular membership level, or all logged in users.

If you would like to show content that is differentiated on the page, we have a handy little shortcode to do this.

On any page that you'd like to customise content, simply put the following shortcode:

"square bracket" im_inlist listid="122,124" "square bracket" Content to show for members in the list(s) "square bracket" ELSE_in_list"square bracket" Content to show if they're not in the list(s) "square bracket" /im_inlist "square bracket"

You can show content for contacts in multiple lists by using the comma seperator as shown above.  If you only put one list ID in between the quote marks, only contacts who are members of that HubSpot lists will see the content.  The comma acts as an "OR" separator i.e., in list ID 122 OR list ID 124.

If you don't know how to find your list ID's, just hover over the list name in HubSpot, and you will see the list ID in the bottom left hand corner of your browser window.  Alternatively, click on the list in HubSpot and you will see the list ID in the URL of the browser.

You're now completely setup with your HubSpot membership site.  There is a lot of flexibility and creativity that is possible with this simple setup.  In future posts we'll show you how to get the most out of the integrated HubSpot capability to manage your membership site and optimise your membership numbers.

Until then, if you need any additional support or have any other comments, please don't hesitate to contact us at